Registration is now open for the 2021 Saskatchewan Music Conference!
Virtual SMC 2021 | November 5, 2021
Once again the conference will be held online, and each session will be recorded and available for viewing ONE MONTH after the event. Delegates will receive a Virtual Swag Bag filled with goodies from our corporate sponsors and stakeholders, along with a Virtual Coffee Break courtesy of Long & McQuade Musical Instruments!
This year's Keynote Speaker is Dr. Tim Lautzenheiser. Other guest speakers will include Dr. Scott Edgar, Dr. Adam Con, Dean McNeill, and Sue Harvie, while entertainment will be provided by the University of Saskatchewan Jazz Ensemble and local Saskatoon musicians, Gerard Weber and Brett Graham!
Registration is only $50 for students; $75 for SMEA members; and $100 for non-SMEA members.
You can now renew your SMEA membership by simply checking SMEA off as your Professional Growth Network (PGN) on your Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF) Membership? There's no easier way to save on your SMC registration, while also showing your support for SMEA!
Click here to log into your STF account, mark SMEA as your PGN and renew your SMEA membership today!
Special thanks to all of our outstanding sponsors for their continued support of this year's event!